The old school building holds a lot of memories of me. Yuting and I were at the hall for a short while and then we went to find Mr Chin. Later, we found Angeline Wong.
While I may have resented the school or what it has not done, nevertheless it still holds a lot of my memories. As I said to Jia Wei while we were walking around the field, while the grass may be greener where we are at now, it still feels good to visit the fields where we once roamed.
How do I say this? I miss bp. I don't miss bp. On one hand, I'm glad I got out of it (Yuting will disagree), that I have many more opportunities where I am now. On the other hand, I miss the times I had there, the friends I made.
I suppose its true that we don't really treasure what we have until its gone. To the IP students: though you think you won't miss your former class, school or friends, you are sadly wrong. I thought that too. Time has proved that false.
I remember...
- sneaking food back into the cabin classroom during recess, ocassionally doing work, more often listening to Abul and Ming Hwang arguing about silly things... laughing hysterically
- Yuting beating Mr Chin at Table Tennis
- Ashwin, me and rannald conducting a 'chat' consisting of a piece of fulscap paper passed down and around during 1.5 hours of a.Wong's bio, which resulted in all the 3 of us not knowing what happened during the lesson
- Talking so much among ourselves during English that I didn't know what Mrs Hoe was talking-- and she knew and chose not to comment (thanks)
- Ashwin and me having a very heated discussion about whether girls should wear short skirts while rannald looks on in amusement (me for, him against)
- How I was told by a teacher to keep quiet or that I was noisy (Mrs Poh) for the first time in my school career because I was talking too loudly to Ashwin (imagine my outrage and Aswhin's delight)
- Chatting with Yuting and having fun with Miss Kong's endless stories during Chinese
- gradually increasing the number of books I keep under my table over the year until finally I have to spend a whole week slowly carting books back home before the exams when we have to clear our tables
- New Year, teachers day, national day, youth day celebrations-- which I all ponned
- Essay writing sharing for hist and ss before the Os
- Playing basketball with Ber, Denise, Xue Qi, Serlang
- Jia Wei's ability to talk about bras and sanitary pads with the best of the girls while daniel or any other guy quickly turns a rather pukish shade of green
- Preparing for RMUN with qin pei, rannald, rui yan, aiman-- painting the masks, discussing in Macdonald's, dissing the sec-gen at RJ
- ranting with the RMUN ppl about how to improve BP
- Tan Suan Tian blowing his whistle at us, and how the girls must do push up so that we can carry babies in two hands (or something equally ridiculous). And the girls would always walk instead of run when we were behind the bushes
- Cheering Com... though I hated cheering and found it a waste of time
- Angeline Ee's interminable and infernally irritating announcements
- Tiger Tan's lessons which were a almost complete waste of Tan
- Mr Ng's crappy but amusing stories during Lit
- Dissing King of the Castle (only me, while the rest roll their eyes at the rantings of a lunatic)
- Mrs Wong's 'pendulous earings'