Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Typing this in the computer lab =)
The Chinese Os are just around the corner. Yet i look at people studying and studying and studying... and I get sick

Its amusing how interesting Mr Brown's blog is while I struggle desperately to find things to write... nOW...
So far after the exams I have:
  1. found new and amusing diversions to amuse myself etc- battle of words
  2. injured my collarbone or muscle on my very first judo lesson after a 1 month hiatus (and by my brother some more)
  3. strained by arms playing too much basketball
  4. played computer from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m.
  5. managed to slack for 2 weeks not playing the piano even though I'm supposed to
  6. discuss a hellavu lot about DSA without doing any concrete action
okie, thats about all

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