Sunday, December 03, 2006

Piano recital

I found out some three weeks ago, that apparently my piano teacher holds a 'concert' for all her students to perform every year. And yes, I was supposed to perform. I wasn't exactly thrilled when I heard the news.

Anyway, Saturday was the big day. Before the big day, I had gone through several disastrous piano lessons where I did one or more of these things
  1. forget whole chunks of the score which I was supposed to memorise and collapse completely
  2. grimace rather visibly when I made a mistake
  3. complain that I wasn't ready for the concert
  4. complain that I would forget everything during the concert
The concert was held at the Methodist school of music. I was relieved when I saw the place we were performing. I had horrid visions before hand of a huge concert hall, but the venue was just a rather small dance studio. whew. One pressure eased.

We got the chance to test the piano before the parents were allowed in. And then it was performance time! I was the third in line to perform, and my heart was thumping while the two before me were performing. I don't think I like waiting very much...

And then it was time to perform! I played the first movement of Beethoven's sonata in C minor op 10 no.1. I think its a very good concert piece, with extreme ffs and pps. It was certainly more dramatic than the chopin pieces (3 people played chopin). I think I may be more suited to the temper and dramatics of Beethoven's pieces. I like the banging then the sudden silences. I was thrilled in a childist kind of way when I realized that I could go much louder on the grand piano than at my piano at home.

I was nervous and I made some mistakes, but I did the dynamics ok. And just like that, in a span of 3 minutes, my part was over.
Teacher stephanie and me
After the whole concert ended, I went for a cup of coffe with my father. Yay, a yummy end to a nerve wrecking day.

Coffee later

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