Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Finally, the torture ends...

For my parents, its blessed relief as they don't need to
1. endure 2 hours of identical sounding scales that all go
da da dA dA dA DA DA DA DA Da Da da da da da DADADADADADADADA

2. endure the same three horrid boring songs I have been playing since the beginning of the year

3. horrible crashing sounds which are actually my sight reading attempts

4. ferrying me to my music teacher's house

Eureka, its over, ITS OVER!!!!!

*whoops and dances in glee*

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

FINISHED HBP!! 1.25 a.m.-16/7/05, Sat/Sun, depending on how you see it

Went to Borders, got back at 10.50+p.m and started reading.


All in all, its a nice book, a relief from the slightly draggy Goblet of Fire and the horrible Order of the Pheonix.

Strongly recced.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Went back home from music for O levels. Started sleep at 6 and was woken up by an irritating person who called me repeatedly for dinner and turned off the air con.
Highly irritated, I PUNCHED THE WALL in a demonstration of bad temper.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Speech Day

Finally, Speech Day is over! It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, partly because i was reading a book for 1/2 the time. Before that, I walked to Lot 1 with Qin Pei, Rannald and Ashwin. Then we did history essay there even though there were extremely irritating flies buzzing all over... bleargh. Saw Huiting, our RMUN lo. She speaks with an RJ accent now! Really, she was like "I have a proposition to make..." with a reeeally smooth RJ accent. Dosen't even sound remotely BP.

Reading Anne of the Island now. Its very nice and reminds me of childhood, when i used to be mad over the Anne of the Island novel. Hehex. It just made me wonder. Singaporeans are a reserved bunch. We're afraid to show emotion, to show love. What is love to us is not love but is also bizzarely a form of love; but we tell others that actually what we love is only what we like. Complicated.
Ok, maybe i'm the only one. But i know that I'm highly insecure. Dunno why, but my brother has a sense of security in that he is loved, but I don't. And sometimes I envy Anne of Green Gables for knowing that she always has love waiting for her at home.