Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Back From Hong Kong

Our Hotel Room

Its quite nice and big, and the girls get a sitting area, which the guys don't, cos they had to fit 3 people into one room.

We had a nice view of the river from our room

Oh, and pudding! We went out to shop, and decided to try the mango pudding. Toon Wen had mango sago pudding (the one on top) while I had just plain mango pudding. It was great!

We went to Stanley Market, a quaint place named after Stanley Ho the tycoon. Its were the rich people in hk live. the houses are really nice, not like some cramped ones we've seen on our way to our hotel; land is very scarce in Hk.

Me, Jing Wen and Alwin posing at the top of some mountain. We're supposed to get a very good view of Hong Kong, but I suppose the fog, and our silly heads have blocked out most of the scenery.

Toon Wen and me. There, a clearer view of the buildings, but the sky is really very foggy.

Of course, this was meant to be a judo trip, so we had trainings (note the plural, I refuse to go into details here). Toon Wen, Shima, Yumi, Me, Siu-- the girls present at Hong Kong Judo Club .
So thats it from Hong Kong =)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Piano recital

I found out some three weeks ago, that apparently my piano teacher holds a 'concert' for all her students to perform every year. And yes, I was supposed to perform. I wasn't exactly thrilled when I heard the news.

Anyway, Saturday was the big day. Before the big day, I had gone through several disastrous piano lessons where I did one or more of these things
  1. forget whole chunks of the score which I was supposed to memorise and collapse completely
  2. grimace rather visibly when I made a mistake
  3. complain that I wasn't ready for the concert
  4. complain that I would forget everything during the concert
The concert was held at the Methodist school of music. I was relieved when I saw the place we were performing. I had horrid visions before hand of a huge concert hall, but the venue was just a rather small dance studio. whew. One pressure eased.

We got the chance to test the piano before the parents were allowed in. And then it was performance time! I was the third in line to perform, and my heart was thumping while the two before me were performing. I don't think I like waiting very much...

And then it was time to perform! I played the first movement of Beethoven's sonata in C minor op 10 no.1. I think its a very good concert piece, with extreme ffs and pps. It was certainly more dramatic than the chopin pieces (3 people played chopin). I think I may be more suited to the temper and dramatics of Beethoven's pieces. I like the banging then the sudden silences. I was thrilled in a childist kind of way when I realized that I could go much louder on the grand piano than at my piano at home.

I was nervous and I made some mistakes, but I did the dynamics ok. And just like that, in a span of 3 minutes, my part was over.
Teacher stephanie and me
After the whole concert ended, I went for a cup of coffe with my father. Yay, a yummy end to a nerve wrecking day.

Coffee later

Sunday, November 26, 2006

interesting stuff

Via adrants

A burrito is a sandwich?
an excerpt from fastfoodnews:
Panera Bread Co. feels certain that a burrito is, in fact, a sandwich... at least when it helps them limit competition to one restaurant in their fast-casual chain.

Panera sued their landlord to try and stop a Qdoba Mexican Grill from opening in the same shopping center because they had a clause in their lease preventing the landlord from renting space to another sandwich shop.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bliss is...

reading sappy fanfiction at 2 am in the morning,
with equally sappy Josh Groban music in the back ground

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bliss is...

Enjoying a good book, drinking a nice coffee, sitting and watching people pass by, alone.
Or perhaps with the genius of Mozart at the back of my mind.

That is bliss.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Its been a year...

A very sweet and busy year since I joined RJC...
A year where I slacked too much
A year where I found joy in a sport i truly liked
A year where I seemed to have lost my drive
A year where I lost my drive

And I'm not sure I can go back

But I think I will try,
For my future, if for nothing else

Saturday, November 11, 2006

ipod Shuffle unboxing

Bought my ipod shuffle today! After much deliberation, I chose to get the shuffle instead of any other one of the wide variety of flash-based players available. Now I can use this dahling to go running. Yay
The lovely shuffle, just waiting for the unboxing...

1 1gig should be enough, after all, I'm not likely to want to listen to Bach or even Wagner when I'm puffing along on the track, am I?

Another pic of my new lovely...

Accessories, and the shuffle

The player is SOOO tiny

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Korean Drama Watching

Korean Drama Watching, GOONG

Day 1
episodes 1-10
  • the female lead is super cute! squees-- her eye expressions are super funny
  • I want to smack the blardy prince. I mean, whats his blardy probrem with his blardy black face
  • omg, I'm going to die from laughing too hard
  • omg, the female lead's crying AGAIN. tissues please
  • tissues
  • tissues
  • I swear never to watch korean drama again! I can't stop!!!
Day 2
episodes 10-16
  • parental scenes starting to get a tad boring. Fast forward
  • aww so sweet... he carries her when she faints...aww...aww
  • they're starting to like each other- yay!
  • palace scenes starting to get a bit boring. Fast forward
  • the female lead is crying again. mom thinks i'm having a runny nose and tells me to eat my medicine. I carry the laptop to the room to cry in peace
  • 2nd prince is rather cute too. reminds me a bit of zai zai in meteor garden.
  • wazzup man, can't you two, like, you know, communicate? you know, kom-mui-neee-kate
  • I can't stop! Continue cheonging!!!!

Day 3
episodes 16-19, 24
  • will you two pris pris pris get together
  • fast forward palace scenes
  • fast forward parents of female leads
  • story getting too plotty. all i want to know is WILL YOU TWO GET TOGETHER?
  • 2nd male lead getting irritating. Fast forward
  • fast forward
  • will you two get together? pris?
  • fast forward
  • fast forward
  • finish 19, skips to 24
  • fast forward
  • so sweet... they're getting together =)
  • BUT still arguing???
  • I'm NEVER watching korean drama again!
at least the mission is accomplished. GOONG in 3 days!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Things that Martial Artists want you to know:

note: gacked from judoforum

1. I really, really enjoy Martial Arts. As a consequence, even when I know better, I will talk to you about Martial Arts. Just like someone interested in Photography, or Golf, or a Television Show. Please don’t take it as a threat to your ego. I am not challenging you in any way. Just smile and nod like you do to everyone else’s boring stories about interests you don’t have.

This is so, so true for me- oh, the urge to chatter non-stop about the minute details of training. Pray stop me before you keel over from boredom

2. Also, please don’t take this as an opportunity to spout out “That’s why I carry a 9mm in my car at all times!” We are perfectly aware that Martial Arts training will not stop a bullet. Are you aware that we are currently between you and your car, and our Martial Arts knowledge is not locked in the glove compartment?

3. While we are on that note, nothing it our code of conduct prevents us from owning firearms, either.

4. No, I don’t have to register my hands with the police. No state law says “black belt = deadly weapon”.

5. Before you ask, no, I probably could not beat Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Steven Segal, Matt Hughes, Royce Gracie, Jet Li, Mike Tyson or Jackie Chan. Safety Tip: Please note that your name is not on this list.

6. I could probably break a cinder block with my hand or head, but I’d rather use a sledge hammer.

7. I could probably take you down using just two fingers, but since I have all 10 of mine I’ll probably use them all.

8. If you ask me if I can beat you and your two buddies, I honestly don’t know. I might walk away, or your buddies might walk away. I guarantee you that YOU won’t walk away.

9. Yes, if I have been training long enough, I have been beaten. In fact, I have probably been knocked out by a woman, thrown down by a blind man, kicked in the head by a kid, or in some other way beaten by someone that does not compute through your macho thick skull. However, do you really think that improves YOUR chances?

10. When I invite you to come to my class, it is not a threat. It is an invitation to share something that I find very enjoyable with you. Consider it a compliment. (For further information, see number 1 above).

11. Yes, some people train in Martial Arts and do not become great fighters, and some people are great fighters with no martial arts training. However, no matter how good a fighter someone may be, Martial Arts training will make them a better fighter. It will probably make them a better person as well.

12. A Black Belt in one Martial Art does not mean the same thing as a Black belt in other Martial Arts. In many Karate or Tae Kwon Do schools, a Black Belt represents about 2-3 years of training, and can be achieved at age10 or even younger. In most Judo or Jujitsu schools, a Black Belt may take 7-10 years, and most do not award these ranks to those under 18. If you really want to find out how much experience someone has, ask them how long they have been training.

13. No Martial Art is perfect. Some are better at a distance, some are better close, and some are better versus multiple opponents. Those that try to cover every aspect tend to have much less depth of technique. For example, I would be a lot less worried about the guy who had a year of Jujitsu, a year of Tae Kwon Do and a year of Shotokan than I would about the guy who had three years of any one of these.

14. The reason that I can avoid, block and/or take these strikes, take downs and other attacks so easily is not because of some ancient, mystical secret passed down by a monastic order at the top of a mountain somewhere. It’s because I have been doing this for twenty years.

15. What is the secret of the Martial Arts? Dr. Jigoro Kano, founder of Judo, said it best: “Never Miss Practice!”

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Memories of Bukit Panjang Govt High

Went back to BP yesterday-- thanks, Yuting, for dragging me out of the house. It was sort of a 'celebration' or farewell as BP will be moving to Teck Whye.

The old school building holds a lot of memories of me. Yuting and I were at the hall for a short while and then we went to find Mr Chin. Later, we found Angeline Wong.

While I may have resented the school or what it has not done, nevertheless it still holds a lot of my memories. As I said to Jia Wei while we were walking around the field, while the grass may be greener where we are at now, it still feels good to visit the fields where we once roamed.

How do I say this? I miss bp. I don't miss bp. On one hand, I'm glad I got out of it (Yuting will disagree), that I have many more opportunities where I am now. On the other hand, I miss the times I had there, the friends I made.

I suppose its true that we don't really treasure what we have until its gone. To the IP students: though you think you won't miss your former class, school or friends, you are sadly wrong. I thought that too. Time has proved that false.

I remember...
  • sneaking food back into the cabin classroom during recess, ocassionally doing work, more often listening to Abul and Ming Hwang arguing about silly things... laughing hysterically
  • Yuting beating Mr Chin at Table Tennis
  • Ashwin, me and rannald conducting a 'chat' consisting of a piece of fulscap paper passed down and around during 1.5 hours of a.Wong's bio, which resulted in all the 3 of us not knowing what happened during the lesson
  • Talking so much among ourselves during English that I didn't know what Mrs Hoe was talking-- and she knew and chose not to comment (thanks)
  • Ashwin and me having a very heated discussion about whether girls should wear short skirts while rannald looks on in amusement (me for, him against)
  • How I was told by a teacher to keep quiet or that I was noisy (Mrs Poh) for the first time in my school career because I was talking too loudly to Ashwin (imagine my outrage and Aswhin's delight)
  • Chatting with Yuting and having fun with Miss Kong's endless stories during Chinese
  • gradually increasing the number of books I keep under my table over the year until finally I have to spend a whole week slowly carting books back home before the exams when we have to clear our tables
  • New Year, teachers day, national day, youth day celebrations-- which I all ponned
  • Essay writing sharing for hist and ss before the Os
  • Playing basketball with Ber, Denise, Xue Qi, Serlang
  • Jia Wei's ability to talk about bras and sanitary pads with the best of the girls while daniel or any other guy quickly turns a rather pukish shade of green
  • Preparing for RMUN with qin pei, rannald, rui yan, aiman-- painting the masks, discussing in Macdonald's, dissing the sec-gen at RJ
  • ranting with the RMUN ppl about how to improve BP
  • Tan Suan Tian blowing his whistle at us, and how the girls must do push up so that we can carry babies in two hands (or something equally ridiculous). And the girls would always walk instead of run when we were behind the bushes
  • Cheering Com... though I hated cheering and found it a waste of time
  • Angeline Ee's interminable and infernally irritating announcements
  • Tiger Tan's lessons which were a almost complete waste of Tan
  • Mr Ng's crappy but amusing stories during Lit
  • Dissing King of the Castle (only me, while the rest roll their eyes at the rantings of a lunatic)
  • Mrs Wong's 'pendulous earings'
Memories. Oh fond memories

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A long tiring PW trip (though hwa chong was worth it)

We went filming for our PW OP presentation today, basically trying to find out what people thought about youth initiatives.

I'm quite proud of myself- I managed to take the bus to the totally unfamiliar King Albert Park when I'm not really that good with directions. Met Carmen (Chu) and Kaleni there where OMG nothing has been filmed yet. panic panic.

We had one interview at the bus stop, then Carmen had to leave to see her chiropractor. Kal and I then went to Ngee Ann Poly where we were daoed by numerous people, but we managed to get some interviews in the end.

We then went to Hwa Chong- Carmen sounded really surprised when I called her and asked if she was still in school. Yay! Thank you Carmen, for being or first Hwa Chong interviewee =) Was really happy, cos I haven't seen carmen for ages- missed her loads. Saw Qin Pei too, they both look really happy in HC.

It feels a bit weird being in Hwa Chong, with Kal in his white and white, and then there are thoughts running through your head: this is the school you could have gone to... what would have happened there? Its a creepy feeling..

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mansfield Park

Its one of the books I started reading after Promos.

Ok, basically this book is about
  1. A girl named Fanny who is sent to live with her relatives
  2. She grows up pretty but rather shy (and she cries a lot)
  3. She is pursued by a man named Henry Crawford
  4. Which she rejects, and he persisting prolongs the novel for like a hundred pages and endless weepings and descriptions of Fanny's virtues and shyness and delicacy
  5. Did I mention she cries a lot?
  6. Finally she marries her cousin (Edmund) whom she's been crushing all along but never realizes
  7. And they're married.
And I must rant: I really don't like Aunt Norris. Maybe its partly Austen's genius, but whenever Norris comes into the scene, I just think bitch

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Maria Sharapova Nike Ad

Its really cute! =)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Saturday, September 30, 2006

Judo Blog

I've decided to write about judo in another blog, so that I'll stop boring you ppl with random Jap stuff no one knows about or cares about. Feel free to visit my judo blog at www.judoisfun.blogspot.com. =)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

End of Promos!

Haha, my promos are OVER! (while the rest of you are still promoing

To rub it in, heres what I did today after I finished my last paper (lit)... slacked with classmates, went to new cathay, went to Plaza Sing for dinner at Swensens (double yay), and finally Kino to get a book.

I've been remiss in catching up with my old class mates. How are they doing?
jia wei's nostalgic and has a moderately nasty incident with his braces
Ching Ching's humour is as sharp as ever, and I do admire the fugly shoes
Arpita is busy mugging
Adeline's another one I'm able to gloat over cos she'll still studying- and so are the others at NJ- best of luck!
Jocelyn's blog has this really cool rotating thingy while she's having strange sleeping patterns
Michelle remembers 911
Qin Pei at Hwa Chong sure gets nice bird shit during GP

Ok, thats it so far, I'm too tired to go further.
If you feel strongly outraged and unappreciated that I've left you out, do leave a comment or tag- I'm really absent minded


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Temporarily on Hiatus
Due to numerous commitments in Real Life

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Found this while surfing the web...super funny

Gacked from Alvin Chan, CJC judoka, aka shuaige


in recent months, there have been a slew of people taking up judo in cjc. however, judokas have a dialect of their own and most laymen do not understand it.

so, for all the newly-recruited and the uninitiated, here is a brief transalation of some of the more popular terms used by sji/cjc judokas.

(ps. if any of you know any terms i've left out please tell me.)

start class- time to start

warm up- an important part of judo that ensures you won't get hurt later by hurting you now.

one straight line - a line said by the coach to indicate that the warm up is over and the real training is beginning.

randori - sparring.

randori with juniors - getting to kick some serious ass.

randori with seniors - getting your ass kicked.

randori with old boys/coach - letting your ass be kicked so bad it may as well be a soccer ball

shiai - getting your ass kicked in front of everyone else at training

ne-waza - an excuse to roll around on the ground in very compromising positions with another person of the same sex.

sweep - 1.cleaning the dojo by running your feet over the surface of the mats. 2.a throw which involves forcibly ramming (also known as zam-ing) your foot into your opponent's ankles.

tomo nage - by right,tomo-nage is a stomach throw. by left, tomo-nage is a kick in the groin.

RJC - the home of smart and strong judokas. also known as raffles junior college, RA(raffles academy) and "those bastards!!!". see also "jason tan"

HCJC - the home of smart, strong and crazy judokas. also known as hwa chong junior college, HCI(hwa chong institution), "those crazy bastards!!" and most popularly as "gold medallists". see also "huang hao"

CJC - the home of alvin chan and the "chio bu" judokas. also known as crazy junior college, "those idiots!!!" and " cj who!??!?"

lau yu don - a stupid bastard. eg. " why the hell did you try and tomo-nage the RJC coach?!?! you think you lau yu don is it!?!?" note that the key word is "try"

jason tan - a crazy bastard. eg." wa lau this guy jason tan is it?!?! broken collarbone can still do 15 pull ups!"

huang hao - a scary crazy bastard. eg. " he huang hao man, can bounce after getting thrown by him."

davis seow - a dirty bastard. eg. " that guy davis seow man, tickling my neck while choking me!"

sherman ho - a poser. eg "stop jumping around like sherman ho lah! later get sweep then you know!"

CHIN peng phay - a big coach. also, a skilled judoka who uses "tactics" for that added edge.

"tactics" - techniques not taught in the books and used by davis seow, like drving your chin into your opponent's chest while you're holding him.see also above "CHIN peng phay"

justinian chua - a bigger coach. also, a person who uses "the last ride" throw.

the last ride - a judo throw which involves a great height, some screaming, and a lot of cringing from its witnesses.

alvin chan - a very charming, witty, good-looking and yet humble judoka. also known as "shuaige". only person to use the tomo-nage the right way and hero of sji/cjc judo. eg. "wa shuai ge is SO handsome!!"

Friday, July 28, 2006

BPGHS Speech Day

Left school early (12pm) for Speech day today. Yay!
Actually, I went to Orchard with Jasela, Carmen and Yuk Yee to eat. We had a great lunch at Breeks and had a fantasic chat about inter-college rivalry as well as crazy ideas like bombing NJ food across to Hwa Chong or getting Hwa Chong welfare to deliver food to Bishan. Cool right?

We decided to be fashionably late to the speech day. we were instructed to be in school by 3, Speech day starts at four. We reasoned that we would maximise satisfaction (econs, aha!) by enjoying ourselves in air-conditioned comfort instead of being lectured and told what to do in the stuffy hall.
We reached BP at 3.45.

I came well prepared. I brough American Gods by Neil Gaiman (fantastic book btw) and famous amos cookies to while away the interminable speeches. Ms Tay was looking at me in ABSOLUTE envy. Coz, while she had to be tortured, I was immune, happily doing my own thing!

It was great seeing my classmates again. Especially you, Yuting! (Muz mention you right?) But I forgot to bring my camera, so unfortunately I have no pics.=(

A group of us went for dinner at pizza hut. I think Ashwin had great fun crapping. Well, we had great fun listening to his "crap".

Oh, This article is really cool. So talent counts, but hard work counts for more. Take that, Purvis!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The end of a busy week

This week has been super duper hectic. For one, there were JUDO FINALS on wednesday,
hence I couldn't concentrate at all on monday and tuesday (read: tons of work not done and needing to be caught up)

Monday: Racial Harmony day briefing + stress test frm 1-5 then piano lesson
Tuesday: Chinese Listening + Training
Wednesday: Judo Finals, Debrief, Dinner with Team
Thursday: Napfa test ( 5 items +2.4) after school
Friday: H3 econs from 4-6, Tuition from 8.15-10.15
Saturday: Racial Harmony event 6.45-1300, went to Queensway from Woodlands to buy shoes
Sunday: Judo from 10-1

Its no small wonder that I'm feeling dead
But the A Girls are the judo team CHAMPS! YAY!

The atmosphere at Yio Chu Kang stadium was electric, with Raffles and Hwa Chong on opposite sides cheering and cheering and cheering...
The whole place was just buzzing with energy and noise- i couldn't stand being inside, so i went and sat and paced outside the stadium, with led to numerous people asking whether i was stressed.

After the event, the whole team went to NYDC for dinner. (No pics, cos my camera ran out of storage space) It was great for the girls, cos we were all on a high from winning. However, the boys were despondent. At the debrief we were overhearing things like "do better next year" and general gloomy faces all around. But for all of us, it was the perfect end to the season for the seniors, and something to aim for next year for the juniors.
Jia youz Judo girls! We'll repeat next year ok?
AND, thanks a mil for the awesomely CUTE voodoo doll! =)

OK, i just realized that most of my friends (besides the judo ppl), don't really know what judo is about.
1. Main form of "attack" is throwing people (yea, thats they most basic way i know of explaining, i suppose)
2. The aim is to try to throw your opponent onto his back. Thats an IPPON or full point in competition, and the match ends right away.

Heres a video of a throw (uchimata in this case), ending in Ippon

If your opponent lands mostly on his back, with less force, thats a WAZARI (half point- 2 wazaris make an ippon)
Opponent lands on the side- YUKO (1/4 of a point, not accumulative)
Very very minor landing- KOKA (1/8 of a point, not accumulative)

The team event is where each school sends 5 people (of different weight category) to fight.
Each bout lasts for 3 minutes. And after all the 5 bouts have been fought, the school who has won the most bouts wins.

Does that make the team competition less confusing?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

End of CTs and Judo outing

Yay, the CTs are finally over.
And I know I'm going to flunk them and I only have myself to blame. Sigh.

Anyway, I had to go to school just to take the silly chinese tingli. Silly cos I'll spend ONE hour travelling to bishan, ONE hour travelling back, for HALF and hour of ting li. Very clever.
Anway, i thought it was going to last for one hour and was sorely disappointed that I couldn't go with my judo friends to Kbox, but since it only lasted for half an hour, I was free to go. YAY!
Kbox was very amusing. I didn't know any chinese songs (nor english songs to speak of that matter, but nevermind), so whenever i joined in, i think that part would sound out of tune hahax. Oh, and Wei is a very good singer, her range is fantastic.

After Kbox, we went back for training. It was fun. The RGS girls were having selections for national schools so we had self training and got to practice what we wanted- this was really precious. Practiced the uchimata I learnt on thursday. Then Mr Tan called me to go fight Sarah out of the blue. So I went there, looked blur- he looked amused and just went to fight. I was like pulling and pulling and decided to do something. Suddenly she was on the floor, I was going to do ground work and i head 'ippon sonomate'. I stood up, looked blur - he looked amused again and I went off. Till now I have no idea what i did. Probably uchimata ba.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Review of Plays- Warning: Extremely LONG Post Skip if you have a short attention span

You see, I typed quite a lot in the UK, but had no chance to write anything on my blog. So now I'm literally dumping everything out. Heres a blow by blow account of the plays we watched. If you get bored, move right down to the pictures. Does this excess of words satisfy you, ade?

The Crucible
We were giving a choice of watching this or Feydra, a Greek tragedy. Of course, I chose the more famous one, me being the fickle-minded shallow person I am. And I am sorry to say, that I fell asleep in the theatre. I fell asleep. In my defence, I was NOT the only one who fell asleep. Lots of other people watching the play fell asleep too, some even slept through the whole play (at least I only slept through one quarter). The people watching Feydra fell asleep too. The play was actually quite good. But the theatre was warm, and dark… zzZZZZzzz
Religion as an excuse
For the part I DID pay attention to, what I gleaned from it was that the people were so caught up in their beliefs that they used religion as an excuse to justify all their accusations. Religion can be used, and against that ultimate reason, no one, innocent or not, can prevail. It was terrifying, the power of religion and authority figures, and I was suitably frightened to hope that I would never fall into the hands of such people. You can die bewailing your innocence, knowing that you are right, but the hysteria of the masses and the voice of authority damns you to death. And all in the name of justice. What a cruel fate. However, the law today is a bit like that. If you know how to work the system, you’ll have a better chance of coming on top. However, even if you know how to work it, theres no guarantee that you’ll come out unscathed. Maybe that’s why lawyers are disliked, and so many lawyers come to sticky ends. Bleargh- maybe I shall be one. Just joking.
Full Theatres
The theatre where we watched The Crucible was a tiny one, but it was packed. It was just one of the many small theatres in London. And I was amazed by the theatre going culture of the British people. That such a small area like London could support so many theatres, and there are so many plays and musicals going on at the same time, and many of them are sold out. Singapore in comparison, is dull and lifeless. Perhaps it takes time for the Arts scene to develop and to mature. I hope that I’ll be able to see plays and musicals in many parts of Singapore and that the theatres will be full when I go there, not half empty.

Titus Andronicus
Very very very bloody play.
When first told that I would have to stand shivering in the cold for three hours, I was extremely reluctant to watch the play at all. In addition, a small group of us (including me) had foolishly opted to stay around the tower of London instead of going back to the hostel. It rained cats and dogs and the weather was miserably cold- remember, it was before summer had set in.
However, the performance exceeded all our expectations. The cast was marvelous and made use of the arena extremely well. The Shakespeare Globe was a recreation of Shakespeare’s original theatre (Shakespeare in love was filmed there I think), and it was open air. We stood in the pit, and the actors were pushed around. It was extremely fun to have to move or be pushed around to make way for the actors- then we could see them up close! There was real audience involvement and the actors were very engaging. They were totally into their characters, and being close up, we could see each tortured emotion, each nuance clearly. I was hooked.
Being in the pit was also great in that we could choose to stand really near the stage. At first, me, Huiling, Daphne and Linmin were right at the back, but as the play got increasingly bloody, we moved up to the front after the interval in order to enjoy the blood fest (hehex). Some people fainted or felt nauseous because of the tremendous amount of blood split in the play. At any time, one could see green-faced people making their way towards the toilet, signaling that they could not take it anymore. It was tremendously amusing- to me at least.
Anyway, about the play. Its about this Roman general, Titus Andronicus who returns victorious from Rome. He sacrifices the Goth Queen Tamora’s son and Tamora vows revenge. She becomes the queen and has Lavinia, Titus’ daughter’s tongue cut out and her hands cut off. Titus’s sons are also killed off except for one. Titus begins to act strangely, and Tamora lets down her guard. Tamora’s two unsuspecting sons are killed by Titus. And in the last scene, Tamora eats pie containing the fingers of her son, Tamora, the king, Lavinia and Titus are all killed or die. And everyone dies happily ever after.
Yes, extremely bloody indeed. The part after Lavinia’s tongue has been cut out was the bloodiest and most disgusting part- very like WWE. The actress was extremely good. She was jerking and then dribbling out lumps of red coloured things, which looked like blood and bits of tongue mixed together. Fantastic stuff.
Oh, and one of Titus’ sons injured himself while he was being ‘killed.’ He was killed, but could not get up and had to be helped off the stage. Tremendously amusing. The actors were good sports though. Titus asked the audience to pretend that the body was still on stage and then recited his part with only the tiniest hint of irony.
Another great theatre part was when Tamora’s sons were killed. They were hooked upside down onto a bar, and the ankle cuffs were the coolest things, they had hooks on one side that allowed the actors to be hooked up, but the audience could not see that. And when they were killed, the actors took care to slash and smear blood while their bodies were blocking the view of the audience.
So fun! So cold!

Midsummer night’s dream
This was a rehearsal held in an open field. Once again, I was extremely reluctant (hehex) and had to persuaded by Aditi, though again, I was very grateful that I was persuaded in the end. Yea, I seem rather unenthu at the beginning of the trip- my reason for being reluctant was that I didn’t want to sit in the wet grass and get cold- rather lame really. Anyway, the play was performed by an all male cast, and I was amazed by how well the male actors played female roles. Their gender was not obtrusive and did not mar the direction and flow of the play. The cast was extremely small and all of them had to double up. Shakespeare was really great in crafting his play such that a small group of performers could manage to stage the play- just like small traveling troupes would have to do so in the past. There was no fancy orchestra or acoustics, instead the actors sang and hummed. The effect was very good, and the harmonization fantastic- see I still can’t run away from music.
All I can say was that the actors, the music and the stage were great. It all came together and really made the play work.
Aside: We were sitting near the front and the manager came to ask us to move to the back so that the actors can project their voices. I think he’s gay. He has that earring in the ear and a way of speaking that almost has me convinced. Hehex. Random and absolutely boh liao thing to notice.

Julius Caesar
A disappointment. It was by the Royal Shakespeare Company, and we had gone on the backstage tour earlier. The theatre and costumes all seemed fantastic, and it being the RSC, we had high expectations. However, the play turned out to be rather draggy. They used a minimalist set with use of lighting and colours. The actors were quite good. The theatre part was good, but the play was not. It should have been. All the parts were there. However the characters were not engaging, the monologues seemed too long, the scenes too draggy. I was struggling to keep awake for the second half, and while one could hear rustlings and see people fidgeting during the first half of the play, none of that was evident during the second half- the people were all knocked out KO. Even the teachers were struggling to keep awake.
I liked that Mark Antony was played by a black man. He had a loud, booming voice and great stage presence. Portia’s speech was also good. But otherwise the play was just a boring blur (I’m really sorry to say that. Ok, actually I paid attention to the first part of the play cos I knew the plot then I lost focus in the second half where I couldn’t get head of tail of what was going wrong- but the play REALLY was boring. I’m just trying to list all possible externalities.)
I really can’t pinpoint what exactly was wrong with the play. Perhaps it was that what were supposed to be the most dramatic parts turned out to be the opposite. Perhaps it was too self-indulgent, with too many dramatic pauses and time given to the soliloquies were nothing was happening.
However, Julius Caesar the play was also insightful and instructive. It sheds a lot of light into human nature and how to manipulate it, as well as leadership. I remember thinking during the play of jealousy, of manipulating emotions through speeches, and the options left open when one knows that a rival a jealous. I came away resolving to be the best of myself, not to worry about what is leadership or what is the best way to lead. Trying to be a jack of all trades brings no success, rather, it is by being the best of yourself that you can best the best of others.

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
It’s a play by Oxford students, and I think it was better than Julius Caesar (a play by PROFESSIONALS.) The play is about Jack a misfit from society who has been sent to a mental hospital by authorities who have no idea what to do with him. The mental hospital is run by the domineering Nurse Ratchet. The patients are put through humiliating group therapy sessions and are dosed with medication to keep them docile. Jack quickly shakes things up and goes into a series of confrontations with Nurse Ratchet. The play ends with Jack given surgery. He dies and a patient escapes.
While the settings and lightings were simply used, the play WORKED. The pacing was good and I was constantly on the edge of my seat. I didn’t fall asleep, but then Mr Reeves sitting next to me may have been a factor too. =)
Open rebellion vs quiet subversion. Which one is better? In real life, if you rebel openly, the authorities crack down on you really harshly and you come to a sticky end. However, a life of confirmitiy means that the status quo remains and in a sense, you are allowing bad things to be done to you. If you never try, you never know. To really rebel, one must really NOT care about anything, to have a spirit that transcends the controlling nature of others. And, part of me does want to confirm, yet while confirming, I want to rebel at the same time. Its contradictory, like wanting to be close and distant to people.
Like taking risks. Life is about taking calculated risks. We can’t control everything, nor can we treat life with reckless abandon. When I decided to just ‘heck it’- to quote myself, the recklessness got me injured and out of playing for some time. So, the lesson is learnt and I’ll have to continually remind myself- be cautious but not too cautious.

Note: we watched two more plays- Antony and Cleopatra and The Royal Hunt of the Sun. Reflections not typed yet. May be up if you find the above interesting.

Music and the UK

Ok, here comes some of my thoughts while in the UK
Music and the UK
It’s the first time I understand the loveliness of music. I realized it at Bath, where this combination of music and wonderful architecture combined to create an absolutely marvelous atmosphere. A group of musicians were playing against the open air and the Roman Baths.A feeling of bliss envelops one, and I realize I can never completely escape. Once you have known the first taste of it, theres no going back. Like first experiencing harmonizing in a choir or ensemble, I understood how the music could spring naturally, and so wonderfully. It was live music, music alive.
Music that fits the setting.
Or the hills and moors or Windermere Lake in the Lake District. I can finally understand the evocativeness of the music. It’s the first time a place makes me think immediately of a piece by any composer, or I can visualize the place immediately when thinking of a place. The hills and moors make me think of Schubert or perhaps Mozart, gently rolling on and a wonderful expanse of green. I tried listening to Rimsky-Korsakov and his music did not fit the scene at all. The Russian school tends to evocate images of towering gates and buildings, a sense of tragedy and sorrow that’s not evident in the green fields and lovely cottages of the English countryside. Photos fail to do the view justice.

Back from UK lit trip

Sorryz for not posting. I've just come back from an 18 day lit trip and theres no wireless broadband there and I have to pay S$1.5 for 7 pathetic minutes of internet, so thats a valid reason for not posting. So Ade, technically for that period, I'm BUSIER than Rannald. =)

First, the post I did up for my Class Blog. After that comes the *exclusive* content(hehex) I suppose.
Jing Yi is finally back from the Lit trip! YAY! And for the next two weeks the loud thumps that can be heard emanating from the RJC school hall will be Jing Yi being unceremoniously dumped through the air and onto the floor by her juniors.

Pictures of men on horses and men with fluffy hats

Well, besides living in some cramped hostels, sharing communal showers and enduring long bus rides, the trip was great fun. We visited LOTS of castles (Windsor, Tower of London, Warwick, Ediinburgh, Bamburgh) that at the end I thought I would puke if I had to endure one more castle. Windsor was great fun at first, but trust me, after you've toured 5 largely similar castles extensively, you wouldn't want to see another one.

I now understand why Purvis(My super-angsty lit teacher) speaks the way he does- he's watched too much Shakespeare! We watched loads of plays on the trip, mostly shakespearean. And after a steady diet of such plays, we start falling into a sort of cadence and your thinking sorts of go haywire. I have a theory- Purvis is so angsty because he's seen too many people being killed and then people moaning that they were the greatest, noblest etc. Thats why he thinks constantly about gravestones! Tadah! (Mrs Toh will scold me for providing insufficient evidence, improper substanstation and probably numerous fallacies. But heck (shhh..))

Thats stonehenge. And in my not very informed opinion, we spent too much time looking at inanimate rocks.

Ooh, one thing besides wonderful lakes, mountains and scenery. All the shops close around six. And that sucks. I'm so used to Singapore where you can like shop till 10 or 11. But in the UK, the streets are deserted after 6, theres nothing to do, and almost nothing to eat. Which I found tremendously irritating at first. I mean, what do these people DO at night? Sleep?

AND i have a picture of Wemmick's "post-office" mouth

The trip was worth it!

Bye! Enjoy your hols!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm happy

I know its highly incongrous of me,
I'm really happy, really contented now

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Status Report

Judo Injury
Some of you may have heard (or seen) that I've injured my ankle. I've spent the last few days analysing what my injury is, my rationale being that the quicker i figure out how to twist my ankle back, the fast I can get back to practice.

It was one of those freak throws/landings kind of thing. Usually, one can throw and be thrown hundreds of times without being injured. I just had the bad luck (no, make that extremely back luck), to be injured in the warm up BEFORE the competition where there were only THREE competitors in my category. Yikes. I hate that feeling. You wake up especially early in the morning, pack your judogi, wear your contact lens, travel all the way from Choa Chu Kang to Bedok, change, warm up... then BAM! you get injured. What an anticlimax.

School's been all right so far, I guess. Though I still haven't gotten the hang of writing an A level history essay. Dunno, I keep puzzling over the structure of the essay and what to put inside it. Sigh

Lit Trip and RMUN's coming up soon. I'm in the secretariat- which means I'm in charge of printing certificates. Yeah, imagine the "glory" of getting to type in all 230 names of the participants and printing them out. They should all prostrate in front of me and thank me from their puny little hearts. (just joking) =)


Thats Harai Goshi, the throw I'm currently trying to Get Right, and which is taking An Awful Long Time.
k, thats abt all. =)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Night Out + Happy B'dae Rannald!

Went for dinner with Ms Tay, Shi Jia, Adeline, Asyikeen and Rannald. The place Asyikeen brought us to was very nice! Thanks asyikeen! =)

It was thoroughly enjoyable eating and talking, but Ms Tay had to leave at abt 9, so we left. After that Ade, Rannald and I went to Starbucks for coffee. We ended up talking till abt 11 then we went home.
I got a very angry call from my mom wondering why I didn't tell here where I was and who I was with. Apparently, dad gets worried if I'm not home by 10.30 pm (OHMIGOD- thats freaking early)

Nevertheless I had a great time. I know my days are going to get busier and busier with school work and cca. School work makes one really really boring, but theres nothing I can do about it, bah. Anyway, today got me thinking about friends. Its always very nice to have some one to talk to about anything under the sun, and to laugh and talk crap. Being alone is not bad either, but having friends do spice up your life.

Ok, I'm not doing this post justice. I'm too tired- its 12 pm at night, practically unknown for a girl who regularly sleeps at 10.30pm.

So, Happy Birthday, Rannald. Many Happy returns of the day!


Friday, March 24, 2006

Perfect lover

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Okaaay, since I got tagged by carmen, and this seems fun, i thought, why not do if just for the heck of it?

Gender: male

1. NO smoking or gambling
The first one is almost exactly like carmen's, but my stand is a tad (ok, a lot) more hardline. I CANNOT stand smokers. If they feel the need to poison themselves, they are free to do so, but must they poison the rest of the people standing around them too? Selfish ignorant fuckdrs.

2. Must get on well with parents
This is one of the most important things in making a relationship work. Usually when the parents disapprove, they can make the relationship really rocky. I've heard of so many relationships and marriages that broke up because of unreasonable and disapproving parents.

3. Have a sense of humour
Any sense of humor or wit will do. I just like guys who know how to have fun, and be able to take a joke at their own expense.

4.these few slots
5.show why I am an arts student
6.- cos i can't count

7. Understands me
This is like the stuff of dreams(and movies and crappy romance books- which shows that i've been reading those too much?), you know, with the stereotypical "soul mates" thingy? Its almost unbearably skin-tingly goosebumpy mindnumbingly romantic. But a girl can dream, can't she?

8. Loves me
Most importantly, no matter what qualities he has, he must love me.

But the perfect lover is the one of misty dreams, of unreality. Life is often jarring, and the perfect man never exists. Don't hold what you have to some unreachable invisible standard, striving for something that can never be. An Ideal is still an Ideal, but I know in my heart of hearts, that I would be content with much much less.

Oh btw, carmen's entry on this is MUCH more interesting than mine's. Go read hers, she's at http://studiousbookworm.blogspot.com/

Who am I tagging? I don't know...
(subtext: I know who I want to do it bt I'm not saying)

Friday, March 17, 2006

I just want a chance

" I know that I was playing with fire. I ran the risk, and if I was set free, I would do the same." - Ghandi

Why do others judge based on where we come from, what we have done, what we look like? All I want is a chance to prove myself, if you let me. Why do we not get the chance to even try? Is it too much to ask for, the opportunity of being given the benefit of doubt?

And thats whats wrong with a system of a select few elite. It gets impossibly difficult to break into that small select circle. Even if you know you are good, even if you are good, sometimes they just don't give you the chance. And thats what I hate. Rejection always rankles. No, it hurts. And though one may smile, and say, "its ok", the hurt lingers, and festers and it hurts, and you can't say anything to anyone because its not supposed to hurt. It is terrifyingly sad to be rejected not because you were plain lousy, but because you had no chance.

What do you do?

You try again

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Life so far

School's been fun recently--theres so many activities that the difficulty is signing up in time and managing your own time. I'm going to watch a judo competition tomorrow (my first ever), and I hope it'll be exciting. Now that i'm joining Judo as a cca, I might as well give it my all.

I think I'm rusty from not doing work or writing for such a long time, so I've got a lot of catching up to do. However, I don't really feel like doing work, and the work is creeping up and up...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What words do you associate with me?

What words would you use to describe me?
So please, tick 5 words that best depict me- its fun!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Lunar New Year!

I had a great time at BP today =) It was GREAT seeing everyone again, and gossiping about the different JCs.

Oh, and thankyou Ms Tay as well as Adeline, Rannald, Shi Jia and Rui Yan for the absolutely lovely dinner on Wednesday. We should do this more often!

Thats all for now

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

May '06 be a better year for everyone!

It may be a tad late, but hey, I can still bore everyone with my new year resolutions

1. Play basketball aka have a life in JC (highly improbable, but hey, give it a heck!)

2. Be nicer, ok- attempt to be more polite, which is slightly more feasible

Usually people try for at least 5 resolutions, but I ran out of ideas halfway (and I've actually bored myself), so thats about it