Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Back from UK lit trip

Sorryz for not posting. I've just come back from an 18 day lit trip and theres no wireless broadband there and I have to pay S$1.5 for 7 pathetic minutes of internet, so thats a valid reason for not posting. So Ade, technically for that period, I'm BUSIER than Rannald. =)

First, the post I did up for my Class Blog. After that comes the *exclusive* content(hehex) I suppose.
Jing Yi is finally back from the Lit trip! YAY! And for the next two weeks the loud thumps that can be heard emanating from the RJC school hall will be Jing Yi being unceremoniously dumped through the air and onto the floor by her juniors.

Pictures of men on horses and men with fluffy hats

Well, besides living in some cramped hostels, sharing communal showers and enduring long bus rides, the trip was great fun. We visited LOTS of castles (Windsor, Tower of London, Warwick, Ediinburgh, Bamburgh) that at the end I thought I would puke if I had to endure one more castle. Windsor was great fun at first, but trust me, after you've toured 5 largely similar castles extensively, you wouldn't want to see another one.

I now understand why Purvis(My super-angsty lit teacher) speaks the way he does- he's watched too much Shakespeare! We watched loads of plays on the trip, mostly shakespearean. And after a steady diet of such plays, we start falling into a sort of cadence and your thinking sorts of go haywire. I have a theory- Purvis is so angsty because he's seen too many people being killed and then people moaning that they were the greatest, noblest etc. Thats why he thinks constantly about gravestones! Tadah! (Mrs Toh will scold me for providing insufficient evidence, improper substanstation and probably numerous fallacies. But heck (shhh..))

Thats stonehenge. And in my not very informed opinion, we spent too much time looking at inanimate rocks.

Ooh, one thing besides wonderful lakes, mountains and scenery. All the shops close around six. And that sucks. I'm so used to Singapore where you can like shop till 10 or 11. But in the UK, the streets are deserted after 6, theres nothing to do, and almost nothing to eat. Which I found tremendously irritating at first. I mean, what do these people DO at night? Sleep?

AND i have a picture of Wemmick's "post-office" mouth

The trip was worth it!

Bye! Enjoy your hols!

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