Friday, March 24, 2006

Perfect lover

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Okaaay, since I got tagged by carmen, and this seems fun, i thought, why not do if just for the heck of it?

Gender: male

1. NO smoking or gambling
The first one is almost exactly like carmen's, but my stand is a tad (ok, a lot) more hardline. I CANNOT stand smokers. If they feel the need to poison themselves, they are free to do so, but must they poison the rest of the people standing around them too? Selfish ignorant fuckdrs.

2. Must get on well with parents
This is one of the most important things in making a relationship work. Usually when the parents disapprove, they can make the relationship really rocky. I've heard of so many relationships and marriages that broke up because of unreasonable and disapproving parents.

3. Have a sense of humour
Any sense of humor or wit will do. I just like guys who know how to have fun, and be able to take a joke at their own expense.

4.these few slots why I am an arts student
6.- cos i can't count

7. Understands me
This is like the stuff of dreams(and movies and crappy romance books- which shows that i've been reading those too much?), you know, with the stereotypical "soul mates" thingy? Its almost unbearably skin-tingly goosebumpy mindnumbingly romantic. But a girl can dream, can't she?

8. Loves me
Most importantly, no matter what qualities he has, he must love me.

But the perfect lover is the one of misty dreams, of unreality. Life is often jarring, and the perfect man never exists. Don't hold what you have to some unreachable invisible standard, striving for something that can never be. An Ideal is still an Ideal, but I know in my heart of hearts, that I would be content with much much less.

Oh btw, carmen's entry on this is MUCH more interesting than mine's. Go read hers, she's at

Who am I tagging? I don't know...
(subtext: I know who I want to do it bt I'm not saying)

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