Sunday, June 01, 2008

I am suffeirng. Oh! How much I'm suffering from...

Ipod withdrawal.

Yes, that shiny sparkly red was necessary to express the depths of my torment. Because my lovely (Oh, shall I compare thee to a summer's day?) ipod has officially given up on me. I suppose I shouldn't blame it, since I was the one that (accidentally) soaked it in contact lens fluid, and since that day I should have known that its time was limited. I should, but I didn't.

And the big problem is, I dare not buy another Ipod! At least, not until the big Apple developer conference- WWDC is over. Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war- I must resist the temptations of the gleaming new ipods in the apple store. And how will I survive? How like a winter my ipod's absence has been. What dark days will these be- without any music or podcasts to accompany my travels?!

Note: try to spot all the mangled Shakespeare references that I've put in. And bah, the first one's easy easy easy.

Moving on, I thereby resolve not to be 'slower than molasses'. I went to the library today and realized that there was a skating competition going on, so I went up to take a look. And I finally realized what the people in the forums were complaining about when they derided some skaters for a lack of speed. Seriously, cute as some of these kids may be, watching them inch their way across the ice can be painful at times. Now I know what I need to work on-- I bet I'm guilty of the same thing myself. So I'll resolve to work on my speed, and not subject any unsuspecting eyes to 'turtling' or 'trundling' or even 'crawling' across the ice.

I'm watching 'Sex and the City' tomorrow. Glorious glorious days =)

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