Monday, July 28, 2008

It sucks to be sick on planes

I'm back in Singapore, but unfortunately, with a bout of what I would classify as, maybe moderate, food poisoning. And I can tell you,the plane ride was sheer torture.

Why moderate? Because its moderate in comparison to the last time I got food poisoning, which was when my mother was away in China and I ate some chicken pie that had been left in the fridge for too long. Then, I woke up at 5 in the morning, and from then till 1pm, puked three times accompanied with acute stomach ache. The amazing thing about that episode though was, I did not cancel my skating lesson. So at 3 pm, I dragged myself out of the house, walked to the MRT station, took the train to Jurong East, and went for my skating lesson.

This time, on the day of my flight, I woke up not feeling well. It must have been the beef and tomoto noodles I foolishly decided to try. The stomach did not hurt as much as last time though. What I did not expect nor realize was that I was slowly getting a fever. I mean I passed through the temperature checks at the Hong Kong check point perfectly well.

But as the flight progessed, I got colder and colder. Even though I was wearing my thick grey jacked and had the airline blanket tucked right up till my ears. And besides the cold, my eyes ached, and the seat seemed to be slanted too far back and the space was too cramped. So all I could do was obsessively monitor the flight path, and endure till the journey was over.
It sucks to fly while sick indeed.

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