Sunday, September 14, 2008

I made cheesecake!

Successfully, and it was my first time ever baking a cheesecake! It is/was good. And I have pictures =)

Here's the cheesecake in its tin, with a section cut off. I used a tin instead of those panfoil or sth thingys that you are supposed to use for cheesecakes cos I didn't want to buy one when I'm going to be leaving in a week or so. Anyway, it turned out all right.

Cheesecake in a tin

Cutting the cheesecake....

And tadah! Lovely slices on a plate. You can see my eager brother already reaching for one.


Actually I was a bit worried about the cake turning out badly, it being my first try and all. And to compound matters, I was pouring the cream cheese mixture halfway when the phone rang- it was my father calling- of all times. What does he want? He wants me to turn on skype? OH no. So I stop pouring the mixture, so the pan's like half full with this gloppy mixture, rush to turn the computer on, and realize that the mixture's a bit lumpy. Ok turn on the machine again. rush to computer. Oh dad, you can just talk to gramps for a while. I have a vim (very important mission) now in the background. I'm making cheesecake!

Ok. Anyway,
since the shop only stocked cream cheese in 2kg units, that was what I bought. So I have a surfeit of cream cheese, which means I will be like baking every other day this week. So judo juniors! (all of you lurking and not commenting), you can expect cheese cake some day this week when I pop down to visit and say bye. I'm planning on baking oreo cheese cake and toblerone cheese cake. It be good!

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