Friday, May 27, 2005

Meet the Parents Day

Ok, I'm typing this on mac, so theres none of the fancy word colouring, numbering or bolding allowed by windows on this computer. Black font, it is then.

Meet the Parents Day was HORRIBLE Firstly, the principal was not present. So we had to deal with slow speaking Angeline Ee and the even more slow speaking Vice-principal. Some more, Mr Chin refused to let us get our report books early, even though all the other classes had gotten theirs. MY mood became increasingly foul although I tried to lighten it by joking about the food and the kiasu parents who talked for ages with Mr Chin.

Luckily, TIGER came to our rescue. THankyou Tiger! He persuaded Chin to let us get our report books. YAY! THankyou once again, Mr Tan.

I must say that This is a Complete Waste of My Time.

Actually, I'm just tying to take up space so that there'll be enough length to put my tag board. Hehex =)

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