Friday, June 10, 2005

Musical Letdowns

I watched Meteor Garden and was promptly beraptured by Vic Chou playing the violin. I always thought that the violin was a mysterious instrument and that it's very romantic. I mean, you know, handsome guy playing some melancholic piece- that was the image i had.
However, my wonderful illusion only lasted till my brother started learning the violin. Now I know, there is nothing mysterious. I mean, after you've heard the bow scratching and screeeching the strings countless times, romantic imagery fails to come to mind. =)

Yo-Yo Ma makes it look so passsionate and wonderful. The dark, rich tones of the cello seem so appealling. But Adeline says that all is spoit by her CO juniors who manage to mangle even the easiest of piece.

Remember all those films where the male protagonist plays the piano beautifully and the girl looks on wonderingly? Ok, maybe only Justin has that level of skill. Butden- given Justin Ow-Yong's personality, he would probably dismiss the romantic piece as too easy and refuse to play it. Instead, he'll play a LOUD piece complete with semidemiquaver rhythmic device in allegro rhythm while the poor girl looks on trying to figure out the rhythm.


1 comment:

glacial__________ said...

Haha. Interesting! ^_^